I mark the hours, every one, nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, are gauged by what you have to do

 “After all to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
“It is a curious thing, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. 
Those who have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well.”
 “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
- Albus Dumbledore

If you know me or pay attention to some of the things I write about in my blog posts, you might have noticed I'm a bit of a geek.
So today I thought I'd share a bit more of that with you in the form of my Harry Potter love.
I remember when the books first came out, before they were popular, and I was given HP & The Philosophers Stone as a gift. 
I can vividly remember opening that present and thinking, even though I loved/love to read, that it was a boring gift,
why would I want to read this weird book.
Obviously I ended up reading it, and like millions of people all over the world enamored with this world J. K. Rowling had created. 
This enjoyment series of incredible books, and eventually movies, has spanned over half my life so far, 
and I think they're something I'll continue to revisit and love.

Todays post includes more quotes than normal simply because they were all so good I couldn't pick one!
But then there's also the fashion element, and that is the reveal of my time turner necklace.
I've been wanting one of these for such a long time, when I recieved it as a gift on my birthday I was surprised I was so surprised.
This one is a replica from the movie series, most memorably from the third book/movie 
where Hermione uses it to go back in time and take extra classes.
By the time the Prisoner of Azkaban movie came out I was already in love with the idea of a time turner,
and when I saw it I decided I wanted one, only to find out years later you could buy them!

Time turner necklace from WB here

It comes with a display case, and they're not actually meant to be worn (according to the site), but who could leave it in the case?
For now I'm just going to carefully wear it with pride as my badge of geek status, 
maybe one day it will help me out when I working on a last minute assignment?

Anyways, thats the end of my geek spaz post, if you managed to make it this far :) haha.