Hang in there buddy; The Ear Cuff

"Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love"
 - Emma Watson

I have liked the idea of ear cuffs since they started to arrive in the jewelery section of online and offline stores alike.
 But too often they were massive and overly embellished and just all together too much. That was until Ellen and I 
found this gem on chicnova, a running man ear cuff that looks like he's clutching onto your ear in fear of getting lost. 
He had the simplicity and smaller size I was after, and he just seems so cute haha. Since wearing him around, I'v
had lots of people saying things like "oh I like your little friend", so Ellen and I don't appear to be the only ones that
 think he's cool.

running man ear cuff  c/o Chicnova

Since he's just a little guy that might easily get lost in an outfit photo we wanted to do a post dedicated to him, but I 
may have gotten a little carried away on photoshop haha. The last photo of me is kinda my reaction to hugs. I can't
 explain why, but I'm just not into hugs. My freinds know this, but when I meet new people (/ones I don't know very
 well) they often don't know/realise this, and my freinds find my subsequent awkward/ uncomfortable reaction
 pretty hilarious!