Photo diary: Mt Ruapehu + raetihi

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing"
- Helen Keller

So while we were away we took some photos (okay quite a lot of photos) and wanted to do a photo dairy post of 
some of the things we captured in our little holiday to Mt Ruapehu.

First off there's the mountain. Being spring here means rain, and rain means disappearing snow. So there was a 
lot less coverage than we are used to, but our favourite field (Turoa) and chair lift (High Noon) were covered in
 enough to get some great runs (though it did mean some rock avoidance tactics were necessary at the lower 

Our usual post-skiing treat is normally an icecream. But on this particular day we went for strawberry (Ellen) and 
raspberry (Tara = the BEST flavour xP) milkshakes. The seat we took the photo of them on, outside the Ski Shed
 in Ohakune, is actually made out of old skis!


One evening after coming back from skiing, it was still light out so we decided to go on a Penny Boarding adventure
 around the little town of Raetihi and capture some of the spring time beauty around the place!

There were some super pretty spring flowers around, all the blossom trees and gardens in the area seemed to be
 in bloom at the same time. They weren't affected by the water contamination issues (it was only us humans
 suffering through portaloos and bucket baths!)


We also decided to take a couple of snaps around the little ski house that we stay at. It's sorta called Chateau
 Raetihi after the Chateau at National Park, but mostly as a joke since it's the most basic house, but perfect for
 a relaxed (mostly) tech-free skiing home base. 

There's no tv or internet, so it's always nice to disconnect a bit and read, relax by the fire, and enjoy some 
'smores after dinner :)

Hope you like the photos/different post! It was really hard to choose only a few of the photos takem to share,
 we had to get a bit brutal (and even then we couldn't keep it within the our normal self-imposed limit haha!)

P.S. there's still time to enter our spring essentials giveaway! There aren't that many entries so far, so you've
 got a good chance of winning atm!!