Boyfriend Style

In my totally unbiased opinion, I think my boyfriend is a pretty stylish guy. And finally after all these years I've managed to get him onto the blog! I'd also like to point out that this little photoshoot was his idea, no persuasion was necessary. He even styled the shoot and told me what to wear, so all credit goes to him for this one. We had some hilarious outakes and some not-so-graceful shots, but I loved these three and thought I would share them today. Let me know if you would like to see another post like this in the future :D

Ellen: Jeans - Sass & Bide // Jacket c/o The Warehouse // Shoes - Converse // Sunglasses -  Cotton On

Connor: Jacket Bike Gear Direct // Shirt - as colour // Jeans - Just Jeans // Sunglasses - Oakley