5 Habits of a Girl Boss


1. Hustle

Success doesn't come easily - you've got to work hard to get what you want. Whether that means waking up early or spending some time after work on your side projects, the key thing is you have to make the extra time in the day somewhere. Most girl bosses in the making have another job or study on the go at the same time so nothing comes easily.

They say it takes 10,000 hours of something to become an expert at it, so working on what you want consistently overtime is going to pay off, things don't happen overnight. 

2. Take breaks

You might have noticed we've been a bit slack on our blog posts the last month and for the first time in a very long time, we didn't upload a YouTube video last week. Sometimes it's just not possible to get everything done and you've got to remember with all that hard work, you have to also remember to take some time off every now and then. Take a break and refuel your creativity - you'll come back with even more inspiration and great ideas!


3. Exercising

Now this may not be for everyone, but for lots of people getting out there and working out can make you feel more motivated. After a gym session we always feel energised to get on with the day and tackle more tasks. Maybe even adding walking or biking to work or school might be an easy place in the day to fit it in.

4. Accept challenges

Whether you want to start your own business or maybe make a blog, whatever your girl boss mission is, don't be afraid of the scary challenges. Face your fears head on and although it might feel like the most terrifying thing taking that first step, once you're over on the other side the view is not so bad. 

5. Be proud and be polite

What you're doing is an amazing you girl boss you! Always take a moment to pause and be proud of you accomplishments, no matter how big or small. In fact do it right now, pause and think.

Did you do it? Cool, let's move on. Along with being proud of yourself, another important quality to have is being polite and kind to others. Mean people might succeed on the rare occasion, but most likely it's because people fear them. Always be grateful and thank those who have helped you on your journey. 


Tara wears:

Hat - Will & Bear / Sunglasses - KOMONO from Anomie / Top - Ryder / Jeans - Refuge Denim from Mabel and Woods / Shoes - ecco / Watch - Fitbit Blaze

Ellen Wears:

Hat - Will & Bear / Sunglasses - Miu Miu / Jumper - Ralph Lauren (thrifted) / Skirt - Vintage (thrifted) / Tshirt - General Assembly