A very special delivery indeed...

"The difference between style and fashion is quality."
- Giorgio Armani

Whether your a fellow fashion blogger or just someone who loves taking photos, you can understand my pain when it comes to lugging around a DSLR camera.
I personally hate leaving my camera behind when I go out. You can almost guarantee the time you don't bring it is the time you need it.
But on the other hand I hate bringing it with me. I mean a camera can be pretty big to carry around and I'm always to paranoid about getting it wet or scratched up in my bag. Why not use my camera bag you say? Well, its just but ugly and its also terribly uncomfortable. 

Insert Jo Totes here!

I walked in from school yesterday afternoon to have my mum present with a huge exciting brown box.
and TADA! My Georgia Plaid camera bag had arrived courtesy of Jo Totes. Who knew camera bags could be so stylish...

I cannot wait to try out my new little friend 
(I'm thinking its going to be perfect for the upcoming fashion week) 

Stay tuned!