10 Spring essentials/favourites + NZ Giveaway!

"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming."
- Pablo Neruda 

For a while there it was hard to remember that the changing seasons in New Zealand were actually changing into 
spring. Especially with our favourite youtubers like Bethany (macbarbie07) doing lots of awesome fall/autumn 
themed videos! So to get ourselves (and our fellow southern hemisphere readers) back into spring we decided 
to do a little photo + video combo of our favourite things for spring :)

1. Converse high-tops
The reasoning behind this choice is that although we love a good pair of boots, they don't really fit into spring/summer 
outfits and some chucks are a easy way to wean yourself off the winter shoe staple (while still being able to wear
some warm socks and protect from puddles!)

2. A Bustier 
Warmer weather is a great time to break out the cropped tops again. Remember to keep it classy and avoid a
 "forgot my shirt" situation my pairing it with something high waisted; chic and flattering!

3. Light weight scarves
So even though its spring and we get visions of outfits with cute dress etc, it's still pretty cold and light scarves 
are a great way to warm up an outfit on the cooler days. Plus there are so many out there you can get cool 
bright colours in your favourite pattern!

4. Light weight jumpers
Beat the cool spring breeze with a super cute jumper, we are especially loving the pastel ones out at the moment! 
This way if you want to get out those pasty (at least in our case) legs you can still keep warm :)

5. Umbrella
The weather in Auckland has a tendency to be changing all throughout the day so an umbrella is something 
you need to carry around at all times! Gotta be ready for those sudden spring showers!

6. Sunglasses: cross my heart from choies
Even though it's likely to rain, you are just as likely to be blinded by bright sunshine (it's what gets all the pretty 
springtime flowers growing so it does happen haha). But if you remember a great pair of sunnies squinting
 be banished!

7. Nail polish: OPI liquid sand (in 'solitaire') and Rimmel salon pro (in 'hip hop')
So we've already done a post on the Rimmel nail polishes and why we love them (here), but we also wanted to 

include the liquid sands as we love these too and couldn't choose! These colours we thought would be great 
for spring as they are lighter and brighter and that's what we think spring fashion is all about, and they'll look
 great with the all white outfits that are trending for this season!

Even though it's spring and it's typical to wear a lot of white, as kiwis we are still suckers for black so one way 
to work with it is by adding a bright belt for a pop of spring colour!

9. Jellies!
It got too cold to wear jellies before we managed to jump on that trend, but now winters passed it's a great
 time to get in on that childhood nostalgia fest that is the jellie. Plus there are so many to choose from you'll 
definitely be able to find a colour and style to suit your wardrobe!

So this is a little less fashion related but we are loving our penny boards and wanted to share! Although we
 are still not ace penny boarders we are practising and making progress haha! 

And we made a video about it all too! (though we went on tangents so often while filming I was surprised there
 was the right points to edit together lol). So check that out, especially if you're from New Zealand cause we
 announce a small giveaway we've decided to do (with our own money) since giveaways often exclude
 our little country!