Happy New Years!

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” - Brad Paisley

We are welcoming in the new year with our very first post for 2014! Wow this feels so crazy to write; another year of blogging done and dusted. I love the quote above I found when searching for something to go with this 'New Years' post. There is something so inspiring and uplifting about the approach of a new year. It fuels the fire to keep us going as we set goals and are provided with the motivation needed to bring ideas to life. Whether it be work, school or something personal; We hope this new year will give you the boost you need to fill the 365 pages of your book with happiness and a little touch of adventure

Ellen wears:

Lips - Australis Velour Lips in 'MAL-I-BU'

Dress - Made by Tara

Shoes - Capeili Rossi

Diary - Kikki.K


We had so much fun shooting these photos and were particularly inspired by our Kikki.K 2014 diary (we got matching ones for Christmas!). We wish you a very happy new year and hope you will stick around for another year of blogging with us!