Video: Wardrobe Makeover and Mini Closet Tour

"I like my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet." - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

Part of loving fashion is owning (probably too many) clothes and needing somewhere to put them. Having a functional and pretty wardrobe is not something all houses have, so Ellen decided earlier this year that it was time to renovate hers and bring it towards her Carrie Bradshaw like dreams. Thanks to the combined efforts a family of kiwi DIYers (mainly Dad and Mum, thanks guys!) this is the result. Not only can she now reach everything in it (no more black hole zone in the middle of the sliding doors!) it looks great and nothings getting squashed anymore. We made a little video about some of the process and it might give you a few ideas if your wardrobe is in need over a makeover!

Hope you enjoy the video, thanks to everyone that has subscribed to our channel! We've nearly reached 250 subscribers, which may seem small to some, but it's a real milestone for us woo!