OOTD// Winter Trend: Giant Scarves

Yesterday I was out with Britney (from the rad blog Scout & Company) and we browsed around a few stores around town. We both found lots of things we wanted to buy, but in the end both of us ended up getting a new cosy scarf. The recent cold snap in NZ has meant a lot of my favourite 'winter warms' have come back out. Beanies, scarves, and cosy socks are back on rotation, and now a new giant blanket like scarf has joined the team. Oversized scarves seem to be a trend this winter, and that is a trend I can definitely get behind on chilly days like today.

jacket - Just jeans // tshirt c/o Cotton On // shoes - Play Motives // Jeans c/o Andrea Moore // rings - Karen Walker, Pandora // scarf - Cotton On